Past and Present


Recently, Rachel at Smile and Wave, posted here about how she would share some stuff about herself since she mostly shares projects and interactions with her family life. Rachel is so creative, and I just love her blog, so it inspired me to do the same.

I picked this picture of myself to post because I thought it was a great picture of me getting caught with food in my mouth, yacking with a friend, and enjoying the company of my family, something that I will never get tired of. This picture was on my wedding day.


  • Just like Rachel, which I think is funny, I didn’t have hair until I was about 2. Olivia is carrying on that tradition. I actually made my mom take down a picture of me at one year because I was photographed in blue overalls and someone asked who the cute little boy was. I haven’t made that mistake with Olivia’s pictures.
  • I have lived in the same area my entire life, unlike my husband, who migrated here to go to school. He often refers to my connections as the 6 degrees of Alisa, since I seem to know someone wherever we go. The little beach town I spent my first 21 years in is actually very small, and when I meet someone who also grew up there, I often get quizzed, just for verification. Really… I’m not gonna lie. I grew up there.
  • I was a little “weird” in grammar school and couldn’t quite find my niche. I didn’t really like sports, wasn’t really tall enough, skinny enough, or likeable enough. And my biggest problem seemed to be that I always liked to friend the outcast or new kid in school.
  • When I got into junior high and high school, I hurt some of my best friendships by trying to be something I wasn’t. I succeeded in finding a niche, but it just wasn’t me. I figured that out by my senior year and barely graduated… but at least I had learned from my mistakes.
  • My favorite thing to do was to ride my bike to the beach with my dog attached at the leash. She was so fast, that the only way she would get exercise was to take her on the bike.
  • My favorite class in college was Art History: The Renaissance Period. I failed it twice, and still haven’t retaken it. But I appreciate it, and because of that class, I have a love of renaissance and impressionist art.
  • I took three years of Agriculture and Animal Science classes in high school, yet my favorite class was English Literature. It was where I read the Bronte Sisters, Jane Austen, and got to actually see Star Wars for the first time.
  • I make friends easy. Maintaining friendships is much harder.
  • I give credit to many family members for teaching me my crafts, sewing, crocheting, cooking, etc., but I still don’t know where the passion comes from.


  • I one day want to live in the village, in an old home that I can renovate to my liking. I wish to walk to breakfast, spend Sundays in the park, and walk to Gather on Friday nights.
  • I love to sew. I have learned more about sewing in the last year than I have learned in the last thirty years. Most of it has been from the internet.
  • I started collecting vintage Pyrex about 3 weeks ago. I now have 11 pieces.
  • My first job is being a wife and mother. My second job is running my home. My third job is working as a bartender and server. I must never forget that.
  • It took me entering my thirties to figure out what I want from life.
  • I still am trying to figure out who I am. Maybe what I want from life defines who I am?
  • I always thought I wanted a big family. I have come to realize I would rather have a small family and give them all my love.


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